Google Contacts

  1. Go to your YellowAnt Dashboard ( or head over to the YellowAnt Marketplace.

2. In the search bar,look for "Google Contacts" under available applications or simply click the icon. If you have already integrated the application, you will be able to see it under "My Applications".

3. Once you find the application either in the dashboard or on the Marketplace click on view. You will be taken to a page where you'll find the integrate option/button. Click on the integrate button.

4. You will be on the integration page which prompts you to add an account to the application. Click add account which takes you to the Google Contacts OAuth page. Note: Select a team before you click "+ ADD ACCOUNT".

5. Allow the needed permissions and Google Contacts is now integrated with YellowAnt.

6. Google Contacts is now integrated and you get a message on your chat application for the same. You will be able to see it under your applications in the Dashboard too.

Last updated