
A collection is a way of segregating workflows into sets in order to keep them more organized for every individual. This is totally up to the user and can be treated as having different set of workflows where each set forms a collection with some specific set of tasks. Watch out for custom collections for different domains which will soon launch on YellowAnt.

For command triggered workflows, collections also change the way the workflow is executed.

If you create a new command triggered workflow and do not select/create a collection, by default it gets added to a collection called workflow.

The way to execute such a command workflow would be to simply type: workflow command-name In case you select/add it to a workflow named myset, then the command changes to: myset command-name

Example 1:

In this case, the workflow command is "startmyday" and it belong to the collection "workflow" so the command to execute is "workflow startmyday".

Example 2:

In this case, the workflow command is "startmyday" and it belong to the collection "demo-collection" so the command to execute is "demo-collection startmyday".

We see that you can use the same command name, but place it uner different sets i.e. collections and use it in different contexts altogether without one interfering with the other.

This also makes it very easy for the user to view their workflows in the "My Workflows" panel by giving them an option to view them filtered by collections.

Last updated